Greenwoods II is a 2000 American animated direct-to-video film produced by New Line Cinema and Film Roman. It is a sequel to the 1993 Valentina Animation film Greenwoods. The film was directed by Lynne Naylor and written by John Loy. The film takes place 8 years after the original film, where Grant becoming a king of the kingdom, with his wife Iyana, who is now the queen of the kingdom, and his 16-year-old single daughter Claudia. So one day, Claudia discover the mysterious realm with fairy tale creatures.
Coming soon!
- Beverley Mitchell as Claudia
- Matthew Broderick as Grant
- Jodi Benson as Iyana
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Greenwoods II received mixed to negative reviews from critics and fans alike.
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To see the main transcript of the film, click here.
To see the transcript for the trailers of the film, click here.